Monday, May 22, 2006

some philosophical rambling...

so recently ive had a few conversations with some really interesting people. now, im one of those people who like to know as much as i can about any given subject, which i have been told on numerous occasions, can be quite irritating. something that has been gnawing away at the back of my mind is whether destiny and fate exist. and how do they differ? if they differ at all. ok, if i understand it right, then destiny is essentially your purpose in life, what you are meant to achieve or do. could be you were created to be the person that works in some nuclear armoury in Iran and your sole purpose in life is to be the idiot that trips and falls on the big red button that says "to launch damn big nuclear bomb to annihilate american infidels" and launch said bomb. fate on the other hand, is the banana peel you slipped on. think that sums it up...think. fate sor of nudges you in the right direction as it were. makeing sure that u do launch the bomb. now, im going out on a limb here...bear with me...if we all beleived in our destiny, would we need fate? if i did beleive in this, i should think that fate is needless, right? or am i being stupid here? The problem we are faced with, of course, is what exactly is our Destiny, and how do we go about fulfilling it? And that is where Fate has a significant part to play, for most of us have little memory of what we have committed to do, and are so caught up in the material world that we lose sight of our own unique qualities and potential. i dunno....just seems to easy for me. so your born, your destiny is imprinted by way of a small metallic chip....sorry, thats the new world order, innit (hehehe)...somehow its imprinted and then your spat out into this cold cruel world and tada!, you go about fulfilling your destiny. your whole life path mapped out and semi written allready? ok, so when i make a big oopsie, i might say "demmit, i was destined to fall over my own feet.....5 times in one day" but when i have worked my ass off for something, struggled against unbeatale odds (which i naturally overcame with debonair grace) then i'm supposed to turn around and say..."well, my destiny is fullfilled. so...where do i go next?" or something silly like that...dunno, personally i like to think that ive done it by myself, with no help from anybody or anything. think it will give me a better sense of acclomplishment than shrugging and going "oh ok, it was destined for me to become supreme ruler of this earth. where is my elite trained rabbits that took over the world on my whim?"....but the rabbits are another topic alltogether! feel free to leve a comment that could change my mind.

editor-in- chief (yup, i gave myself another promotion. unable to tell u the perks as i will have to know the rest...)


Anonymous said...

Dude, jyt issues. Hou op vodka drink en slaan oor brannas toe.

Anonymous said...
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G-force said...

I believe destiny (fate, whatever) is slighty more complex than you or I will ever be able to comprehend. Free will plays a BIG-HUGE part in the process.

Also, whenever we think about fate / destiny / meaning of life and all, we almost ALWAYS assume it's all about us (you are, after all, the most important person to yourself, right? :) ).

This is quite a selfish outlook on the wonderful thing that is "life", as every action, every little thing we do, every milli second of our time here has not only a potential impact on our lives but could have immesuarable effects on other peoples' lives, if not today, maybe tomorrow / next week / century (whatever).

Such is the human condition, I guess. We are here for a reason though, whether you call it destiny, God's plan or whatever school of thought you subscribe to. Ultimately we're here to learn and grow.

my 2 pench... :)

Zodan said...

Got onto this blog via g-forces link.

Great topic, kind of thing to be talked about with a good bottle of red wine on a balcony in the late afternoon early evening breeze man.

Agree with g's complexity theory, and made me think about it a bit, the effect of the multiverse-split-off-every-instance/decision, very intreging.

Nice pic from Lord of War, to complement the post :)
