Wednesday, March 22, 2006

on laziness and chuck norris....

ja ja ja, so we havnt posted for a while. been busy the past two weeks. as said previously, we got work working on the underground. first time in my life where im doing hard physical labour....and i find that i like it. back in sa, i would never even have thought about it, but here for some reason, it feels different. dunno why....maybe its got to do with the money....or maybe the fact that i work about 4 hours a night? lol, either way, i like it. so far most things are going according to my self imposed time deadline, maybe running a few weeks behind. well on my way to retire at 35 ;-). wonder if anyone could tell me what the whole new big thing is with chick norris? i do know that when he finds out all these "joke" emails of have been going around without his stamp of approval, the world will come to a sudden and horrific end...and he probably wont race for ferrari anymore, which means that ferrari will lose...again. the tjoppies went to a place called camden today...felt like being in cape town cbd. on every corner you get some person walking all sideways towards you, going pssst and then whispering very loudly "want some ganja?", with about 4 cops 5metres away from him. wonder if a prerequisite for becoming a drug dealer is lack of intelligence? mmm...what else happened? not much really....weekend should prove interesting. we got invited to a spitbraai (and i mean a proper one with a sheep and all ;-). thety probably heard that me and jaco are spitbraai specialits, lol! anycase, not much else to post, been a busy but boring two weeks. will make a point of posting more.....

1 comment:

Ronymaru. said...