so i was sitting somewhere quiet, trying to think of a way i could serve to rid the world off its multitude's of problems. and suddenly it came to me, so quick and unexpected, that i was left reeling with my mouth hanging agape. the solution was so deviously simple, i couldn't believe it. I cant see how it hasn't been thought of before. Ok, i hope you are sitting down for this one. it's not completely worked out yet, still waiting for the authorities to get back to me as how they will be able to help me. the solution to one of our biggest problems (ok, so maybe i didn't get the answer to all problems, still working on some of them) namely racism, is so simple. we should get alien planets. planets that are inhabited by squishy, tentacled, brain sucking parasites! that way we will be too busy being a huge planetfull of speciests that we wont have enough time nor energy to waste on someone of the same specie, albeit a different colour or nationality!! see the simple logic? damn, i wonder if i will get a nobel peace prize for this? also, is that prize worth anything in money? anyway, just back to a previous post, the one about our ex, oh so dynamic leader, deputy pres jacob zuma, this is another little jewel he had to say about his lady-friend.
Jacob Zuma believed the woman who has accused him of rape was sending him sexual signals, but denied that he set her up in his guest room to test them, the Johannesburg High Court heard.
i really don't see how this idiot ever came to power. first he claims that he went on for longer than she said he did, and now he sounds as though he's denying it. oh well....hope he gets what he deserves....
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*moves into Dewaldts mind for entertainment purposes*
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