jaco is not going to like this post. we just might have words concerning this! at the top you will notice a gemsbok. beautiful arnt they? they look so serene, so peaceful. just minding their own business, not bothering anyone. now, just past them, maybe to the right, maybe to the left, you WILL NOT notice a hunter. he is hiding. hiding so that he can shoot this graceful animal and hang its horn's up on his garage wall to show all that he is the powerful man that stood 600m's away and shot this animal. yup, big strong powerful man that shoots something that doesnt even know it's being hunted. now, personally, i think this must be the epitome of manliness, hunting something that couldnt give a fuck either way, seeing as it has no sporting chance to escape or fight back. i am completely sure that if given prior notice and the killing field limited a bit, ie the big all powerful hunter has to gut the animal with a knife, after he has run it down by foot, then the buck would win.but no, this hunter is so consumed with self-importance and the knowledge that he is superior in every way, that he doenst even try to make it sporting. stand so far from the animal, get it in his scopes....and here is the difficult part.....he pulls the trigger. metres away in his telescope he sees the buck fall down, all grace fled as life leaves it mortal casing. oh, sometimes they are nice and only shoot the old ones or the males or some such load of kak, cause then they can breed and then there is more for them to kill!! brilliant! now after this strenuos hunting episode (and strenuos it was...mighty warrior gets up in the morning, gets in car and drive to where the nearest animal is docile waiting on a death it does not really want....and thne drive back) most likely they go back to camp and drink themselves into a stupor. and lo and behold...this tiring routine is carried out again. oraait....maybe i am a stupid girlie man who does not like seeing animals hurt for now reason other than for some overweight, middle aged man to feel like he has a pair of iron balls....but i dont see any sense in this!! how can there be any thrill hunting a quarry that doesnt fight back? where's the skill involved in that? can anyone tell me? i must be missing something to be so uninformed. ok, enough of that....and just in case you were wondering....i do not know the meaning of the word sarcastic