Thursday, February 23, 2006

just a quick word...waffle waffle waffle

was snowing a little bit this morning as i was coming home. though about making snow angels, naked of course, but decided against it for health reasons. felt kinda like and idiot walking around trying to catch the snow on my tongue, but hey, i felt like doing it. the novelty soon wore off as i was walking home, both wet, cold and inevitably miserable. we were thinking of travelling to places like sweden or some snow covered country, cause what they do in travellers' mags, is make it look really nice and pretty(so i think that's misleading) but the cold hard truth freeze ur nads off!! its cold and miserable. might look clean and pristine, but that's mostly due to the fact that its too cold to do anything outdoors. obviously you get those semi-recce people who go gung-ho and do the brave, hard man act, go out and challenge nature, but i will decline i think. friend of mine said its a differnt sort of cold, not so "wet", but going with the way i struggled to thaw out this morning, i doubt i want to experience that. so, to all those gung-ho brave people out there doing all sorts of outdoorsy cold weather stuff...i applaud you and leave you to it. much rather would i be traipsing around some sun drenched country, drinking sundowners, getting horrible inebriated. come to think of it, the tjoppies havent been drunk for some time. think we will have to remedy that.....

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