Monday, February 27, 2006

looks like u do succeed if you struggle hard enough

been sukkeling for a bit now, trying to get a media player for some tunes. finally got it right, but had to learn to some html coding along the way, as well as develop my swearing abilities, which were kinda built on a rock solid foundation allready. probaly not a bad to learn some coding considering that we're doing a website now. the only drawback this media player has, is that it looks like i can only get one song to play at a time, ie no playlist. if anyone reading this knows of an alternative player, that starts playin immeaditly as the page is opened, and is capable of having a playlist of say about 5 songs.....please post link....or summink. mmmmkay? tot later...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

are south africans prone to bouts of aggression?

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heard from a pommie the other day that south africans tend to go to their own pubs and clubs. now, the tjoppies has been out once or twice, hindsight shows (albeit a bit blurry) that it was unfortuanatly to places with names like zulu's or similiar. back to the has been said that saffa's are prone to inexplicable bouts of aggression. are we? i know i couldnt step on a cockroach without some twinge of guilt. mmm...maybe there is some trigger that makes us get active-aggressive? dunno....maybe back in sa its because of karate-water, but the shite they sell here is more likely to make you nauseous than aggressive. some brandy/cognac that passes for proper brandy here.... blegh! also brought to my attention, was the fact that most english people dont seem to want to go to these primarily south african pubs/clubs. maybe its because most south africans have a modicum of decency in them, refusing to back down when seeing something that didnt agree with the lessons moeder-lief moered into you when younger? refusing to back down when being challenged? i dont know....i do know that we dont resort to violence unless it might be fun ;).....or unless loads of brandy has been imbued....or someone says something bout our mothers...anycase, im off to do some genome modding. feel free to leave a post on your brandy influenced thoughts.

could this have anything to do with cape town's power failures....?

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apparantly, and this is just going on hearsay, bart's simpleton father has accepted a post as main reactor dude at koeberg. now, whilst this is all good and well, it is kinda a bit scary if you think about it. homer is not known for his exemplary working atitude. he sorta drifts in and out of rational thought, lost in the process of thinking. his mind does not wander so much as try to take the road less travelled, or rather, not travelled at all. even with capetonians being the most relaxed people on earth, i still think he might not be welcomed with open arms. seems he's been working there for a few months now, slowly implimenting his own unique way of running a nuclear reactor. dunno if that might have anything to do with cape town's little power problem....

Thursday, February 23, 2006

the good, the bad......and still looking for the beautiful

some of the people reading this post might not know who riaan is, but bear with us and you will soon find out. Suffice to say that Riaan Cruywagen is somewhat of an Afrikaans Regis or Terry Wogan, if you must. Except he rocks. A bit. here's some proof of the awesome power that is riaan cruywagen.....

Riaan Cruywagen is fluent in twenty seven of South Africa’s eleven official languages.
Riaan Cruywagen knows the news before it happens.
Riaan Cruywagen is cryogenically frozen every night for exactly eight hours. His brain impulses are monitored during this and used as templates for deciphering elaborate ancient manuscripts.
Riaan Cruywagen knew you would say that.
Riaan Cruywagen had a telekinetic showdown with Johan Stemmet. After draining all of Stemmet’s powers and rendering him severely retarded, he created Noot vir Noot and made Stemmet the host.
Some people believe Riaan Cruywagen wears a toupee - he has, in fact, one perfect hair. The one that covers his entire head - giving it that, ‘not quite real’ look. Riaan himself is not quite real.
Riaan Cruywagen was the original model for Michelangelo’s statue of David. Unfortunately, that was in the early years of Michelangelo’s career and he wasn’t yet artistically mature enough to capture the Cruywagen essence. He nearly drove himself mad with frustration until eventually he decided to settle for his number 2 choice of model in Chuck Norris who was only 3 years old when he posed for Michelangelo.
One night during an ad break on the 8 o’clock news, Riaan Cruywagen mentioned to the makeup lady that he was ‘tired of this apartheid nonsense’. Nelson Mandela was released from prison the next day.
Riaan Cruywagen wasn’t born, he thought himself into existence.
The only man made object visible (with the unaided eye) from space is the Great Wall of China. Riaan Cruywagen can see the Muir Space station with his ‘unaided eye’.
Riaan Cruywagen never blinks; if he does the entire world would just not happen for that split second.
When Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Mount Everest, he was welcomed by Riaan Cruywagen, who briefly interviewed him, before wiring the information through to the SAUK.
The SAUK is actually a front for a secret society of Swiss Bankers who manipulate the world’s economy, and is chaired by non other than his most Worshipful Master, Riaan Cruywagen.
In binary code the word “Riaan Cruywagen” looks like the shroud of Turin.
When he was three Riaan Cruywagen successfully reinvented the wheel.
For his second birthday party he entertained guests by coming up with the first highly successful prototype.
Riaan Cruywagen will never die. His soul gets transferred to another identical body via various arcane rituals and current nano-technology thrice fortnightly.
Bruce Willis’ character in Die Hard is based on the unpublished autobiography written by Riaan Cruywagen at the age of 15.
Riaan Cruywagen is an accomplished author and poet - though, humble by nature, he chooses not to write under his own title but prefers to go by psuedonyms such as W. Whitman, E . Hemingway, Proust, JD Salinger and G Chaucer - amongst others.
Riaan Cruywagen’s first job was tutoring Pythagoras.
After reading the news Riaan Cruywagen built the pyramids. It took precisely 17 minutes to draw up the plans and then a further six minutes to think them into existence.

now, the hoff as all know, is that "wondrous superbeing" millions idolize. he's the star of brilliant, intellectual movies like baywatch (now also a popular porn movie, unfortuatly not starring the hoffmeister) and the hero that saves spongebob in the animated movie. personally we dont really follow the hoff like the rest of the natural world, we tend to agree with this site that proves completly and without any doubt that the hoff-man is the anti-christ. bin ladin aint got nothing on him!!

just a quick word...waffle waffle waffle

was snowing a little bit this morning as i was coming home. though about making snow angels, naked of course, but decided against it for health reasons. felt kinda like and idiot walking around trying to catch the snow on my tongue, but hey, i felt like doing it. the novelty soon wore off as i was walking home, both wet, cold and inevitably miserable. we were thinking of travelling to places like sweden or some snow covered country, cause what they do in travellers' mags, is make it look really nice and pretty(so i think that's misleading) but the cold hard truth freeze ur nads off!! its cold and miserable. might look clean and pristine, but that's mostly due to the fact that its too cold to do anything outdoors. obviously you get those semi-recce people who go gung-ho and do the brave, hard man act, go out and challenge nature, but i will decline i think. friend of mine said its a differnt sort of cold, not so "wet", but going with the way i struggled to thaw out this morning, i doubt i want to experience that. so, to all those gung-ho brave people out there doing all sorts of outdoorsy cold weather stuff...i applaud you and leave you to it. much rather would i be traipsing around some sun drenched country, drinking sundowners, getting horrible inebriated. come to think of it, the tjoppies havent been drunk for some time. think we will have to remedy that.....

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I always wondered how the two tjoppies would look like if we were to appear on the best cartoon show in the world (South Park)!! HaHaHaHa So this is what I came up with!!! You could make you own South Park characters at
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11 times in history that the word Fuck�was appropriate.

11. What the @#$% do you mean, we are sinking? - Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912
10.What the @#$% was that? - Mayor of Hiroshima, 1945
9. Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from? - Custer, 1877
8. Any @#$%ing idoit could understand that. - Einstein, 1938
7. It does so @#$%ing look like her! - Picasso, 1926
6. How the @#$% did you work that out? - Pythagoras, 126 BC
5. You want WHAT on the @#$%in ceiling? - Michelangelo, 1566
4. Where the @#$% are we? - Amelia Earhart, 1937
3. Scattered @#$% showers, my ass! - Noah, 4314 BC
2. Aw c'mon. Who the @#$% is going to find out? - Bill Clinton, 1998
1. Geez, I didn't think they'd get this @#$%^ing mad. - Saddam Hussein, 2003 Posted by Picasa

survival rules for modern man

The 12 Suggested Steps for non Single men's survival...

1 .... We admit that we are powerless over Women, that we make their lives unmanageable

2 .... We have come to believe there is a Power greater than ourselves and that She can be mad at us with no warning and without need of male logic to back it up

3 .... We have made a decision to turn our wallets and credit cards over to the care of Her as She tells us to

4 .... We have had to watch Her make a searching and fearless moral inventory of our magazine rack

5 .... We have admitted to Her, to Her friends, and to NO male ever the exact nature of our wrongs against Her

6 .... We are entirely ready to have Her remove all of these defects of character whenever and wherever She wishes, including in public or while we are watching the game with our friends

7 .... Humbly allowed Her to remove all of our pride and our testosterone with it

8 .... Made a list of all women we had dated and became willing to never see, talk to or think of them again

9 .... Made every possible attempt to never, in any case, in any circumstance ever compare Her to any other woman but allow Her to compare how we "measure up" at Her discretion

10 .... Discontinued taking inventory of any woman walking by, and when we did so, promptly forgot about it

11 .... Sought through soap operas and Cosmopolitan quizes to improve our contact with Her as She would have us understand Her, praying only that we not piss Her off by mistake yet again

12 .... Having been neutered as a result of these steps, we try to carry this message to our single friends that they might suffer with us

Thursday, February 16, 2006

little philosphical rambling...aka load of horse shit!!

Just a quick observation….looking around I have noticed that men who tend to be well mannered and decent ( I shudder to use the word nice) seem to be, and no pun intended, pulling on the…erm...short end of the stick. Should I, in case I run into one of these sorry persons, inform them that being nice (hate that word) might not be enough to get them what they want or desire? Shall I put a dampener on their spirits? I might just spare them a few years of struggling before they come to see for themselves that being nice gets you nowhere? Being understanding, being able to see things from another person’s viewpoint, that’s all good and wee if you live in a perfect world. Those might be characteristics other nice people appreciate. Its just a bit disappointing that we don’t live in a perfect world. If it was, you could drink beer by the gallon and not pick up any weight. Come to think of it, you’d never have to worry about being fat, cause being a perfect world, you’d either not get fat or you would still be accepted whatever. Its nice dreaming sometimes, but sooner or later, you get struck by the ultimately heavy brick of reality. And sometimes, just sometimes, that brick tends to hit you squarely between the eye’s. and from what I hear, that could have a very sobering effect on a person. It’s a good thing I don’t know any of those nice people , could just begin to feel sorry for them. I might be mistaken for being nice. One day, when I rule the world, I will remove that word from the dictionary. Might make it my life’s mission in fact. Scrapping the word…nice….

this is the plight many men are faced by on a daily basis. i wonder if women could even begin to understand the hardships we face every single day of our existance. it's hard being a man, surrounded by so many clingy beers!! you dont really know where to begin, so many different kinds of beers around. aaarrgh, choices choices.!! think thats the bane of our existance....dewaldtPosted by Picasa

the real truth behind the thames whale....could it be why london is being renamed londonistan? seems to me, a poor uneducated saffa boy, that the infidel is slowly but surley infiltrating london. i think it will be about another 5 years, then london will be run by hate spouting clerics and women will all be walking around in those little ninja suits their men tell them to wear. personally, i will put up the brave fight once they start wearing those little unsexy suits. it will be cruel and unusual punishment for men all around th uk once they start wearing those robes. dewaldtPosted by Picasa

Sunday, February 12, 2006

So, this is what we gave up! It's quite a shitty deal if you think about it........ But we will be back (Bigger than ever)!!!!!So lock away your girlfriends and hide your daughters, 'coz we are on our way........soon........
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Our home away from home!!! This is Canary Wharf, Not too bad considering the places we have seen!!!! But still not Cape Town, ct is in our blood, our hearts, and it helps that it's a bit warmer too!!
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if there was such a thing as true love then this must be it!!!!!!!! i don't think there will ever be something more beautiful than this, mans best creation ever! one day she will be mine!!! me love you long time baby..... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006

This pic might be the reason why 300 South Africans decide to pour into london on a daily basis!!!! just a bit shitty it must close down soon, something to do with illegal substances or something stupid like that. Posted by Picasa

We just want to say congrats to some of our friends who experienced the first two rings of life!! the engagement-ring and the wedding-ring..........hope the suffer-ring is worth it!!!(just kidding) we love it when all the beautiful women gets taken....... Posted by Picasa

Dewaldt's domestic skills came in handy for the grub! good old South African pooitjie!! Posted by Picasa

Mr confusious himself!!! only a mother could love a face like that!!! Hahahahah, another christmas moment where everything you do turnes out blurry the next day!  Posted by Picasa

looks like it was a very merry christmas!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

dewaldt....funny angle thoughPosted by Picasa

jaco....tada!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It's a start.....innit?

oraait, me and jaco has been talking and talking about this, so eventually, we have started on the site. might take us awhile to get it the way we want to, but hey, a person has to start somewhere. think we might have a few clashes concerning this.....sal maar moet kyk wie wen. the title should have been 3 tjoppies op 'n eiland, but adriaan needed to come home for personal reasons. we came over, all bright eyed and bushy tailed( specially in jaco's ass's case) LOL!! wonder what he's gonna say when he reads this. hehehe.....anycase, we were overflowing with ideas and enthusiasm. somehow, over the next month and half, that bright look in our eyes slowly faded as we were confronted with what is london. man, was this a reality check or what. knocked doors for a while, decided we were to nice to trick people into signing contracts, so we left that. or maybe it was the endless trudging through the rain and cold weather that made us stop. either way, we did. got work as security. now, i dont now if some ssecurity guard is reading this, and i mean no offence when i say this. when you work as a security guard, and you have semi average intelligence, security is a sure fire way of getting rid of that vestige of intelligence. its 12 hours of doing absolutly fuck all. nothing!! standing outside in the unbeleivable cold, shivering ur skinny ass off. thats it. slowly, so slow you can almost sense it flowing out of you, your intelligence seeps out of you, intertwined with your last warmth. and then you go home. thats about it. wish i could say it is glamorous, or maybe that we meet all these famous people but i cant. we do see some "famous" brits now and then, but i wouldnt recognize them if they carried big neon signs around with them. makes no difference to me. wait, i did see liz hurley...that was almost worth it. for such an old lady, she sure has a sweet ass! almost worth, things are picking up. its looking way better. we got what we needed for the tubes. so i reckon we should start working there in about a weeks time, maybe sooner. then we start studying, both on the languages and guitar and cisco. so, seems like we have a few busy months ahead of us. sal maar moet vas byt en deur druk. ok, think this is enough for now, will post more when i get more time, or something funny happens.