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so it's been ages since one of us has posted. dunno if people are still reading this....just felt like venting a bit. sometimes, when i'm on the tube going someplace, i often get overcome with this sudden overpowering urge to take the person or persons sitting next to me, grab them by the collar and ram his/her/their head repeatedly against the window...or pole. actually, come to think of it, any hard surface would do. i'm really not picky, would gladly settle for anything. this irrational rage has appeared all of a sudden...dunno from where. i fear that one day will be one day...and i wont be able to stop myself from satisfying this....dare i call it a need?...inside of me? makes me kind of sort of realise that maybe, deep down inside, on some primal level, we're all just animals with base needs...but with the option of controlling those dark desires. with this realisation, i wonder what it would be like if, for one day, EVERYONE left their control at home before starting their dismal commute to work. i think it would be an exhilarating and fun filled day!! that day i will wear my steel boots, grab a baseball bat (bit cliched, but hey, it's my fantasy) and proceed to work of some anger and frustration. i can tell you one thing, if, for some fantastic reason, every time you maimed someone ( wouldn't go so far as killing anyone ) you get 1000 pounds sterling....well, needless to say i will be very damn rich at the end of the day! ahhh....its nice to dream...innit? and.....the background music to this will be wait and bleed / slipknot (which i have put in the player for your listening pleasure) ahhh....the joys of dreaming....oh and i started studying, quite some time ago to be honest, its going good, my exams are in 4 weeks, and then i will grab my future by the balls and show it where I buried the carrots. (just doesn' have quite the same ring to it in English...waar danie die wortels begrawe het, lol))